Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Finished Movie poster

So I've finished up the movie poster! I think it came out well, but not quite what I had originally planned. What I originally wanted was for it to be a poster for an indie docu-drama kind of movie. However it turned out to be more of an adventure drama and a little less indie looking. This is all due to the logotype. My original logotype was going to be the hand written text that I had made, however with the letter as the back ground it did not show up well no matter what effect was added to it. So what I ended up doing was taking an existing font and added some flair to it. I think in the end it did the job pretty well even if it wasn't what I originally wanted. Another thing is that I kind of had to adlib the credits because I missed the day where our teacher gave us a specific font set (steel tongs font) for it. It also ended up looking pretty good despite using gil sans condensed. I was also surprised I was the only person to put faux film awards on their poster! Especially after we shared a roughdraft with the class, perhaps no one else could figure out how? As for the print, it came out really well, surprising for all the horror stories and poor results I've seen come from Costco. Anyway the final product is as seen below.