Monday, April 23, 2012

Fabric Patterns

In class we've been working on creating a pattern out of a custom swatch list that we also made. I had missed the class that had first covered using letters and making them into vector paths, so when we started to make our patterns I found it slightly difficult.
The above is my original pattern. I only used to colors which arent actually from my custom swatches. The design is a T that has been made into vecotr paths and then laid onto another T. I wasnt really happy with this so when I finally made my own swatches I played around more with different colors.
This is the second version. Notice the different more palettable colors and the vertical lines. The lines were made with the AI blend tool. In my opinion a big step up, although not the finsihed product.
This is the final product. We were made to open it in photoshop and play around with layers and the eraser tool.

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