Monday, April 30, 2012

Movie Poster

So for the movie poster I thought I'd try and develop something from an old fake trailer I made out of little clips from videos I made during a camping trip. The idea was to make a documentary/ drama looking poster for that trailer. Since the clips consisted of me looking straight into the camera it has a completely documentary feel. For the poster though I didn't want to use my face, but what I thought I'd do was work off the title of the trailer, which was Old Road Story. From that I thought I'd work off the words "road" and "story". So I looked for some existing posters to see what most documentary or drama posters look like.
I liked this one for the super imposed texture. This is something I want to do except without a face and with a super imposed letter which will be made transparent to leave faint text and a oldish feel since the paper is tea stained as seen below.
Very happy with my tea stained paper. I wrote on it first so that the ink ran. A second poster I found had a custom looking logotype which I quite liked. It looked more hand written than anything that would be a default font. So I made my own custom logotype by writing out the title on paper and then scanning it and converting into vector.
This is my text
Putting altogether I think what im going to do is take a photo of a long street (as the road), super impose the letter to make it look old and to add an underlying theme of a story, and then on top is my logotype along with some fake credits. I may have to remake the logotype so that its thicker and easier to read.

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