Sunday, June 10, 2012

Art 141 final: Accordion Booklet

I go the idea for my accordion from my Photo1 class. For the Photo1 class we were supposed to make a "beauty" collage with photos that we had taken. It was a very open ended assignment and there were no guidelines. When it was mentioned that we would be making accordion booklets I immediately jumped on the idea of combining both assignments and killing two birds with one stone. I think the hardest part of this whole assignment (for me) was writing the poetry to go with my images. Other than that I found Adobe's Indesign program pretty easy to use and arranging everything on the pages was fairly easy as well. I am with very content with the final result, my one complaint is that I wish I printed it with the inkjet and spent the extra money. The image quality on my final (which I used for my Photo1 class) was not satisfactory, but that said it also wasn't terrible and was good enough. I have one question for you (Prof. Dallal) and that is why does the school's print center recommend RGB color images for the inkjet printer? I ask since you mentioned that CYMK was best for printing (although I now wonder if you meant it was best for printing in magazines etc. rather than fine art printing).

T-Shirt Product

So with the Street Sharks T-shirt design I opted to make an actual shirt with it rather than print it out on paper and stick on a mat board. The shirt did not came out as I expected. The colored letters (and even the blacks)have a weird static look to them which consists of little colored specks. I really thought the colors were important to relay an oceany-shark kind of theme. The blue is a teal tone often seen in ocean water, the grey and white correlates to great whites sharks and any other sharks with similar coloration. The shark out line was based of a great white so it all kind of connects. I think if i were to have any more made I would do the screen print, the digital print quality just wasnt what I wanted out of it. The shirt form the back. The front of the shirt. Here you can see the static coloration of the letters, this also appears in the blacks on the shark and the images on the back of the shirt. I really am disappointed with it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Finished Movie poster

So I've finished up the movie poster! I think it came out well, but not quite what I had originally planned. What I originally wanted was for it to be a poster for an indie docu-drama kind of movie. However it turned out to be more of an adventure drama and a little less indie looking. This is all due to the logotype. My original logotype was going to be the hand written text that I had made, however with the letter as the back ground it did not show up well no matter what effect was added to it. So what I ended up doing was taking an existing font and added some flair to it. I think in the end it did the job pretty well even if it wasn't what I originally wanted. Another thing is that I kind of had to adlib the credits because I missed the day where our teacher gave us a specific font set (steel tongs font) for it. It also ended up looking pretty good despite using gil sans condensed. I was also surprised I was the only person to put faux film awards on their poster! Especially after we shared a roughdraft with the class, perhaps no one else could figure out how? As for the print, it came out really well, surprising for all the horror stories and poor results I've seen come from Costco. Anyway the final product is as seen below.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Movie Poster

So for the movie poster I thought I'd try and develop something from an old fake trailer I made out of little clips from videos I made during a camping trip. The idea was to make a documentary/ drama looking poster for that trailer. Since the clips consisted of me looking straight into the camera it has a completely documentary feel. For the poster though I didn't want to use my face, but what I thought I'd do was work off the title of the trailer, which was Old Road Story. From that I thought I'd work off the words "road" and "story". So I looked for some existing posters to see what most documentary or drama posters look like.
I liked this one for the super imposed texture. This is something I want to do except without a face and with a super imposed letter which will be made transparent to leave faint text and a oldish feel since the paper is tea stained as seen below.
Very happy with my tea stained paper. I wrote on it first so that the ink ran. A second poster I found had a custom looking logotype which I quite liked. It looked more hand written than anything that would be a default font. So I made my own custom logotype by writing out the title on paper and then scanning it and converting into vector.
This is my text
Putting altogether I think what im going to do is take a photo of a long street (as the road), super impose the letter to make it look old and to add an underlying theme of a story, and then on top is my logotype along with some fake credits. I may have to remake the logotype so that its thicker and easier to read.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fabric Patterns

In class we've been working on creating a pattern out of a custom swatch list that we also made. I had missed the class that had first covered using letters and making them into vector paths, so when we started to make our patterns I found it slightly difficult.
The above is my original pattern. I only used to colors which arent actually from my custom swatches. The design is a T that has been made into vecotr paths and then laid onto another T. I wasnt really happy with this so when I finally made my own swatches I played around more with different colors.
This is the second version. Notice the different more palettable colors and the vertical lines. The lines were made with the AI blend tool. In my opinion a big step up, although not the finsihed product.
This is the final product. We were made to open it in photoshop and play around with layers and the eraser tool.

T Shirt Logo Design final

So Ive finished p the front of the shirt.
Now preferably when I put it on the shirt the white letters wont be outlined although i dont know if that is yet possible. This also means Ill have to have it printed on a light grey or colored shirt since the letters wont be visible otherwise.As for the skateboard ont he back, I dont know if that is possible either, but ill update this post if/ when i do it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So just focusing on the the outline of the shark that will be the main image for the shirt. There will also be some stylized text using simple shapes that spell out "Street Sharks" and if possible have a simple image of a skate board on the back. Simple as in a horizontal line with slightly curved ends and then two circles under it as wheels.

You can slightly see the early sketch of the "Street Sharks" which consists right now of triangles and half circles.

I know its a simple design, but I feel like lots of good shirts utilize simple designs and end up still being pretty popular.

Character Final; PI Kricket

So this is the final for P.I. Kricket. As I have been told it could use more detail in the buildings and also the shadows are a little off. Other than that I think it turned out pretty well.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prelim Vector and Finished Vector PI Kricket

A preliminary image of the PI Kricket character. The first is only a profile, and the second was my first attempt at a different angle for a final version.

This is my final for the cahracter. I htink its great, it worked out a lot better than I thought it would. :D

Prelim PI Kricket

So here are some drawings of PI Kricket. It went through a little metamorphosis in design, but I am overall happy with it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Character Ideas

When I was first told that we would be creating our own character I was a little overwhelmed. I had never designed my own character I was really sure I would be able to do it. My first ideas were of doing an stick insect. But I wasn't very confident about this idea and it didn't stick for me. (link goes to image of a stick bug)

My second idea was doing a bipedal sort of cricket. However this was preceded with the name of my character. A friend had recently introduced me to the BBC show Sherlock. I honestly loved the show and so when I was thinking of creating a character I had also been thinking about making it a detective of sorts. The first thing that popped in my head was Detective Cricket, but I thought that was too forward or obvious. The the second thing that popped in my head after that was P.I. Crik. It's meant to be a shortened moniker for Private investigator Criket, however I quickly decided I was not liking the "Crik"... So my last and final idea was just to change it to P.I. Kricket. After this I had to come up with a character design. So I looked up photos of crickets and photos of the original Sherlock Holmes character.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Taylor Hartwig and this is my blog for Art141abcd at El Camino College. First a little background information; I'm 20 years old, I live with family in Manhattan Beach, and I like long walks on the beach, lol. Some goals for the class would mostly be to gain some understanding of the Photoshop program. I'm currently a Photography major at Elco and this, I feel, is a necessary part of what photography is today. However as of right now I have very little knowledge of the program. After I'm finished with school at Elco I plan on transferring up north to either San Fran State or San Jose State. After school I'm not quite sure where I'll go with my photography, but where ever I decide I'm sure I will be content with it as long as their is a camera in hand. Thanks for Reading, expect more soon.

Artist A Day

So for class we are to choose an artist, that we liked, from the website. So I browsed for a bit and found sculptor Edouard Martinet. Searching the website I wasn't sure what I would find, but when I saw the thumbnail of his mechanical looking fish I was instantly hooked. There's just an amazing amounft of detail put into his work that I wouldn't expect becuase of the materials that he uses which consists mostly of scrap metal. Looking at his sculptures I can only wonder where the parts came from. Enjoy the photo below, and a link to his page.